Meetings and History

Troop 41 a very active, high-adventure troop. It is a boy-led troop, utilizing the patrol system headed by the Patrol Leader's Council. The troop is supported by a strong Troop Committee consisting of parents and other community members who are committed to the ideals of Scouting.

Troop Meeting Information

TIME: Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

PLACE: Rosamond Recreation Hall - Glendower Park, Rosamond, CA

For more information please contact:

Committee/Parent Meetings

TIME: 7:00  p.m. First Wednesday of each month

PLACE:  on Zoom

For more information please contact:


Troop 41 is chartered by American Legion Post 490


Troop 41 was first chartered on Jan 1, 1934 but there are no official records to prove it, just some evidence from some newspaper clippings of what they did here and there and a camporee trophy from 1934, but no continuous connections or recharter documents.  If any records did exist at the National Headquarters office in New Jersey, they don't now, as a fire in the early 1940's destroyed most of the records stored there.  A file was discovered at the Antelpe Valley District Scout office in 2018 that contained many recharters for the troop going back to 1942 with only a few papers noting the troop was around before that date, but nothing to prove continuity until 1942 when a recharter was found with a beginning and ending date and a rechater for every year after.  Based on those records that established continuity the Western Los Angeles County Council recognzied Troop 41 as established in 1942 and for the first time since it's beginning the true age of the troop was finally known.  

Rosamond remained a small town growing to around 2,000 by 1990, then with the AV boom it took off over the next 20 years reaching 18,000.

From 1942 to 2000 five Scouts earned the rank of Eagle.  The troop was relatively small averaging no more than 10 Scouts at any given time.  During that period, since 1960 Jim Williford made sure the troop stayed chartered by recruiting just enough Scouts and scoutmasters to keep it going. By 1976 he was joined by Delores Julian who for the next 35 years became the glue that ensured the administrative part stayed tight.  Her financial skills as treasurer made sure there was always enough money to operate.  He refused to let it fail.  By 1990 the troop found itslf very small and below the five Scout minimum so it aligned with Troop 890 in Rosamond, which was also small, but it gave both troops more leaders to do events togheter and help each other survive their very low numbers.  Ray Folck was Scoutmaster and Frank Paravato Assistant Scoutmaster.  For the next 10 years they would hold the troop together.  In 1999 six Webelo IIs from Pack 541 joined Troop 41 and that began a new eara of growth.  In 2000 the troop separated from Troup 890 and chartered independently.  Growth continued and by 2001 the troop had over 20 Scouts.  

In 1968 Troop 41 put up the cross on the top the hill in Rosamond.  The original one was cut down and a short time later the Troop put ua a stell cross 13' high and painted it white.   The cross remained there until it was removed in 2019 when  the property was sold to a developer who gave the troop a few months to remove it.

From 1999 to the present the troop reached its peak in membeship and Scouts earning Eagle.  It made every effort to camp monthly including summer camp each year.  As it matured it took first place consistently in the American Legion Camporee for the state of California and a number of times placed first in the AV District camporee.   It was blessed having three long-term Scoutmasters who built on experience and expertise to guide the troop with a strong program as evidenced by the JTE Gold Awards achieved year after year.  Presently the program continues the path of excellence started  24 years ago.


1942 - 

1948 - Ray Derlick (Outfit Advisor - H. Clofford Burton)

1956 - James E. Kenner

1958 - Charles O. Johnson

1960 - M.E. Lawyer (Abe Ogden - Explorer Advisor)

1961 - William R. Sandford (Abe Ogden - Explorer Advisor)

1963 - Olan Embrey

1965 - Leslie G. Stevens Jr.

1967 - Tom Kengott

1968 - Ronald G. Vernon

1970 - Bob Loomis

1971 - Van L. Henderson

1975 - Steve Esbenshade

1978 - William Baker, Sr

1987 - Robert Glass

1990 -Ray Folck

2001 - John Lostumbo

2002 - Art Renteria

2007 - Dan Troup

2011 - Gary Cooper

2022 - Jesse Taylor

Chartered Organizations

Group o f Citizens - 1934 -1938

Rosamond School PTA - 1938-1942

Rosamond Chamber of Commerce - 1942-1946

Burton Brothers, Inc. (H. Clofford Burton) - 1946-1950

Tropico Mines (Clifford G. Burton) - 1950-1951

Rosamond School PTA - 1952-1954

Lions Club - 1954-1961

Kiwanis - 1961-1992

American Legion Post 490 (Post 476) - 1992-Present

District Award of Merit Recipients

Frank Paravato - 2001

Delores Julian - 2003

Anthony Moreno - 2004

Tania Long - 2014

Gary Cooper - 2015

Silver Beaver Awardees Recipients

Anthony Moreno - 2007

Frank Paravato - 2012

National Quality Unit Award (must achieve six of 10 items to qualify)













Journey to Excellence was started in 2014  by BSA  as a metric for an excellent troop

2011 - Gold (1675 points - 1600 needed)

2012 - Gold (2075 points - 1600  needed)

2013 - Gold (2250 points - 1600 needed)

2014 - Gold (1800 points - 1000 needed)

2015 - Gold (1850 points)

2016 - Gold (1425 points)

2017 - Gold (1525 points)

2018 - Gold (1600  points)

2019 - Gold (1700  points)

2020 - Gold (1100  points)

2021 - Gold (1625 points)

2022 - Gold (1600 points)

2023 - Gold (1700 points)

2024 - Gold (1650 points)